[Overview][Resource strings][Constants][Classes][Index] Reference for unit 'mcp23017' (#pascalio)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Abstract base controller for MCP23017 and MCP23S17


Source position: mcp23017.pas line 50

type TMCP23X17Controller = class(TObject)


  function GetRegisterValue(); virtual; abstract;


Abstract value retrival method

  procedure SetRegisterValue(); virtual; abstract;


Abstract register value setter

  constructor Create; virtual;


New instance


  property IODIRA: Byte; [rw]


Input/Output Direction - Port A

  property IPOLA: Byte; [rw]


Input Polarity - Port A

  property GPINTENA: Byte; [rw]


Interrupt Enable - Port A

  property DEFVALA: Byte; [rw]


Default Value for interrupt condition - Port A

  property INTCONA: Byte; [rw]


Interrupt Condition - Port A

  property IOCONA: Byte; [rw]


Input/Output Configuration

  property GPPUA: Byte; [rw]


Pull Up resitors - Port A

  property INTFA: Byte; [r]


Interrupt Flag - Port A

  property INTCAPA: Byte; [r]


Interrupt Capture - Port A

  property GPIOA: Byte; [rw]


GPIO values - Port A

  property OLATA: Byte; [rw]


Output Latches - Port A

  property IODIRB: Byte; [rw]


Input/Output Direction - Port B

  property IPOLB: Byte; [rw]


Input Polarity - Port B

  property GPINTENB: Byte; [rw]


Interrupt Enable - Port A

  property DEFVALB: Byte; [rw]


Default Value for interrupt condition - Port B

  property INTCONB: Byte; [rw]


Interrupt Condition - Port A

  property IOCONB: Byte; [rw]


Input/Output Configuration

  property GPPUB: Byte; [rw]


Pull Up resitors - Port B

  property INTFB: Byte; [r]


Interrupt Flag - Port B

  property INTCAPB: Byte; [r]


Interrupt Capture - Port B

  property GPIOB: Byte; [rw]


GPIO values - Port B

  property OLATB: Byte; [rw]


Output Latches - Port B

  property IOCON: Byte; [rw]


Input/Output Configuration

  property BANK: Boolean; [rw]


BANK mode

  property MIRROR: Boolean; [rw]


Mirror Interrupt

  property SEQOP: Boolean; [rw]


Sequential Operation

  property DISSLW: Boolean; [rw]


Slew Rate

  property HAEN: Boolean; [rw]


Hardware Address Enable

  property ODR: Boolean; [rw]


Open Drain for interrupt pins

  property INTPOL: Boolean; [rw]


Interrupt Polarity

  property Address: Byte; [r]


Chip address

  property OwnsDevice: Boolean; [rw]


Free Device on destruction





Abstract base controller for MCP23017 and MCP23S17




Provides an abstract interface for accessing MCP23017 and MCP23S17 following their internal registers. Use this class only if you need direct access to the internal registers. Otherwise use TMCP23017 or TMCP23S17 from unit gpioexp.

See also



Accessing MCP23017 using I2C device



Accessing MCP23S17 using SPI device

Documentation generated on: 2020-05-22